Intro: When the Dream Becomes Reality
What is the Ten-Tier System?
What are the main features and philosophies?
So what does it look like in practice?
The path so far
Why now?
“If not me, who? If not now, when?”
When the Dream Becomes Reality
Imagine a happy world. Imagine a world that thrives. Can you? What would it look like?
Try to imagine a world where the foundations of society are built not on competition, but on collaboration—where poverty has become a distant memory, war an ancient mistake, and corruption a relic of the past. Permit yourself to dream of a future where we have transcended the failings of capitalism and enriched the life of every individual on Earth.
Is it possible? Is it possible to govern a world in peace together, to weave together economic fairness, ecological sustainability, and flourishing humanhood? In this new era, democracy could be more than a political mechanism—it could be a way of life. Decisions could be made through genuine dialogue and consensus, not dictated by corporate interests or entrenched power. Transparency, accountability, and cooperation could be systemic characteristics, empowering a free and educated people as the force shaping their future.
Across borders, industries, and communities, the birth of a global movement could hold for us the abundance and health of a legitimate utopia. In true prosperity and harmony, we could fulfil the true potential of the human race.
But is there a realistic way to get there...?
This article provides some quick reading for those who are just hearing about the Ten-Tier System for the first time. While the current name sounds more like a weight-loss programme than a revolutionary global project, the implications for this concept are quite literally world-changing. Despite being a huge and complex discussion, here we discuss it in simple terms to start off your journey.
So straight to the meat of it:
What is the ten-tier system?
The simplest way of putting it might be: a global management system.
That’s the functional description, but the ten-tier system is so much more. This could be the revolutionary marvel that takes humanity to its fullest potential—the next step in our evolution.
The ten-tier system (TTS) is a plan for all of humanity, a way to transition out of our current way of being and towards something more collaborative and more sustainable, helping us come together to construct a brighter future for ourselves here on Earth.
While I’m sure we can give it a cooler name (e.g. Intertribalism), the ten tiers represent the backbones of the proposed management structure—a multi-scale organisation of society. Whatever we call it, this pragmatic placeholder speaks of a reimagining of global society, using what we have and what we know to carve out a future for ourselves. From the micro to the macro level, neighbourhood to international, the ten tiers exist as a formal yet flexible communications structure between the ground levels of society and the uppermost global councils to direct our earthly affairs.
In essence, the TTS provides an umbrella framework that unites our global politics, communication, economies and industries into a compartmentalised democratic structure, making use of our digital and technological advancements to work together worldwide. The result: a healthier, freer, fairer, more efficient, more abundant society.
In the absence of world leaders offering a practical universal solution that aligns our efforts and benefits the citizens of Earth (hereafter referred to as ‘the People’), we’ve been designing this societal framework as a grassroots movement that will facilitate communication, cooperative problem-solving, resource delegation, and education—what should consequently bring about a shift in culture and consciousness as a long-term result of its implementation.
Empowering democracy as a central philosophy, the ten-tier concept decentralises authority, standardising politics and managemental responsibility across society through a kind of metric delegation system. This limits the power and industrial influence any one individual can have, using digital technologies and human community to navigate our problems and developments together. By systemising the directorship of our earthly affairs, we enable the human race to cooperate unreservedly. Managing the planet ourselves through a universal communications framework, we can render corruption null and impotent.
In simple terms, the power stays with the People. Under the ten-tier system, it’s we who get to decide how to run our society. All the TTS really does is help us to do that—effectively, cleanly, fairly, agreeably, in a way where we can come to intelligent solutions without unnecessary delay or complication.
Functional collaboration, among many things, would lend us an increase in efficiency, freeing up resources and time to allow humanity to step forward into a healthier, happier, less polluted way of being where we can build a future on agreeable terms. Harmonious living is in our best interest if we are to not just survive but thrive in this early millennium.
Because right now, what are our options? What future is the human race currently walking toward? Will we descend further into war, disease, suspicion, and destruction? Or will we find a way to navigate difficult situations together, finding resolutions and innovations that will drive us into a future we can be excited about?
With an intent to replace capitalism and our current political and economic structures, the ten-tier system was developed to be an all-encompassing design for a future global society. Bringing together the attractive elements of a democratic free-market system and ideals of cooperative community-based living (no hunger or homelessness), the ten-tier system seeks to combine the best and most-loved elements of society in a way that is functional and fair. In this way of living, ultimately it is the People who design their own society—from neighbourhood developments to international law. For the first time in history, we have the means technologically to make full use of our planet’s collective expertise, experience, skills and knowledge, empowering our citizenry to govern their own society—without corruption, without any destructive forms of competition, and without the usual erraticness of party-based politics. Making responsible and effective use of our technologies to self-coordinate and self-govern, the ten-tier system is the skeleton framework for a future society to be fleshed out by our own cultures and imaginations.
Based on fair and universally agreeable principles, we can make it an easy, logical decision for peoples and countries to not simply adopt this system, but begin to contribute to it and make it their own. Making it simple, intuitive, and enjoyable for people to collaborate, we can literally design a way of living that will serve both the individual and society at large. It’s the exciting clash of capitalism and socialism, the lovechild of industry and community that puts fun back into functionality and human back into humanity.
What are the main features and philosophies?
A core part of the TTS is a digital democracy that uses an AI-integrated social-media platform called the Digital Democratic Platform (DDP) to attract, inform, and empower people for democratic decision-making. In a restructure of finance, industry, income, and law, among other things, society as a whole can be managed by the People, for the People. Instead of handing our sovereignty and rule-making to politicians, billionaires, and businesses, the TTS invites public participation and oversight on all matters, offering a political framework that empowers and rewards contributions, using the technology at our disposal to intelligently support and adjudicate discussions from international affairs to local projects.
With sustainability as a focus, resource management is at the forefront of the design, and would be the basis for quantifying the world economy and uniting countries in a way that nullifies the need for war. With a centralised world budget based on what we can afford environmentally, we can align and coordinate global projects with responsible resource use and appropriate task delegation. This maximises use of our most important resource: us.
Rather than small, divided elite groups controlling the world, we can make full use of the varied experience and knowledge from all corners of society. A tiered communications framework would allow effective communication between the ‘top’ (international) and ‘bottom’ (local) so we can coordinate and delegate budget, responsibility, and resources. Algorithms and AI can be used to enhance and empower human decision-making using curated information and computer-facilitated project management—streamlining and adjudicating community discussions in a way that leads to agreeable, practical outcomes. This doesn’t mean AI would be running society; it would simply be used to help support human decision-making and project coordination.
Fairness is a core principle of the new system, scaling and distributing society’s unified wealth and decision-making power proportionally. For optimal management and systemically ensured fairness, wealth and power would effectively be collective resources, with intelligent systems helping humanity attribute resources and responsibility appropriately to our projects and problem-solving initiatives. With democratic intervention enabled for all levels and areas of society, we can continue to oversee the principles and calibrations of all our societal operations, democratically guiding the financing of industry, science, technology, and environmentalism.
In plain English, this means the people get to decide how the ‘money’ of the world is spent (read Digital Democracy part II). And while individuality is to be preserved, we can significantly increase the efficiency of almost all areas of society through a transition to public shareholding. This is not like a communist or socialist ideology where everything belongs to ‘the State’, because that completely removes private ownership. Instead, the idea is that ownership and accountability are expanded and shared, so that power and authority are direct products of the People, and we are all effectively minor shareholders of all public and private business. This doesn’t mean the everyday citizen is responsible for managing all societal affairs, but it does allow direct democratic intervention if the public recognises that change is needed in some aspect of society.
This dissolves the boundary between the government and the people. And while individuals will still fill positions of leadership, supreme wealth and power will not derive from that leadership. The system is specifically designed to waterproof against corruption and centralised power, shifting us closer to this idea of equality (‘fairness’ may be a better word) without trampling on the individual success or freedom that is so loved in a capitalist world.
Never before in history have we had the ability to effect true democracy in this way. To come together, plan, and agree, has never been feasible for the entirety of society to manage and mobilise whole cities and countries. But with the advent of the Internet and instant global communications, with social media, artificial intelligence, and advanced language translation, we as a species now have the capability of coordinating ourselves in real time.
In a digital rebellion, we the people can take back our government, our economy, our industry. It can be a quiet rebellion or a noisy rebellion, a grassroots revolution that sidesteps preventative and divisive agendas of any corrupt institutions in government or industry. But ultimately, it is really only the proposal of an intelligent solution for coordinating ourselves. Let’s make no more excuses for starvation and war. Fundamentally, it is united, coordinated management we’re lacking, and the trust and reason to do so.
The long reign of kings, queens and politicians may now rest, because a new age is born. No longer do we need to place our trust in the hands of a select few who may or may not have the ability, mental faculties, and honest intent to serve society in the optimal way. With the diversification and delegation of responsibility, a modern communications system can make our living on this planet cleaner, greener, more efficient, more democratic, and universally more agreeable.
I’m tired of waiting for someone to come save us, how about you?
So what does it look like in practice?
There is no simple answer here. The implementation of a new global framework has many moving pieces, many nuances, and even a lot of unpredictability. It will change in some ways from country to country, culture to culture.
With systemisation of democracy at the core of this global society, certain boundaries of geographical jurisdiction may be redefined. And while we could expect inevitable (and likely desirable) changes in industry and lifestyle, much of society would continue as it currently does from the individual’s point of view. The TTS largely represents a reorganisation of global power structures, which does not demand personal effort so much as it invites voluntary engagement. Big change is rarely easy or comfortable, but it is on us whether we take action or not.
The benefits of cooperation should be fairly immediate, and it will simply be on us to help refine these processes. It would also not likely be a sudden change, and a smooth and staggered implementation is going to make for friendlier public adoption. The concept in its infancy/implementation may look quite different to its mature stages of operation, as any society can take years to fully adjust and self-optimise, and it would be irresponsible to suggest for such a huge project that there is no risk of complication, challenge, and discomfort. But in considering the opportunities and benefits of this new system—especially when compared with our alternatives—the implementation of the TTS is well worth the time, effort, and expense. A transition to this new way of being seeks to make use of current systems and infrastructure to be as easy, efficient, and smooth as possible.
In the creation of a new society, it’s expected that certain jobs would become void, while other new jobs would be created. We cannot stop our society from changing and evolving, but we can have a higher degree of control over how this happens. This is the essence of the TTS. The intelligent resourcing and empowerment of individuals would help to employ people according to their strengths and desires, offering worthwhile rewards for the efforts and contributions of the individual. An overall increase in societal efficiency would afford the individual a better foundation of living, in theory housing and feeding every person on Earth by prioritising the citizen as the core investment of society.
A primary difference would be in the mindset of passive living to active public involvement. Where we’ve gotten comfortably used to the back seat, passively accepting the rules and governance of an elected party, a social media used for societal management would make current affairs a public forum for discussion and coordinated response. An accountable populace would shift our focus to bigger-picture living. With basic necessities provided (see Dual Currency concept), a higher standard of living would be attained and a fairer, healthier environment an almost inevitable product of coordinated living. This does not force people into large degrees of responsibility or demand a vote from those who are uninformed or uninterested; rather, we can incentivise education and participation in a way that makes ethical use of our collective potential while building up our citizens as informed, mature decision-makers.
The part we most want to reinforce is that this is your system, your future, and it is only the means to work together that the Ten-Tier System is providing. Tomorrow is built gradually, and by many hands. There is no singular ideology or lifestyle to adopt, as it is the People who would be applying the framework to their own individual cultures and landscapes. Therefore, the vision we’re presenting is not a futuristic picture of flying cars and holographic technologies, but rather an empowering of autonomous living, a freeing-up of time and energy, and the facilitation of both physical and digital community that are likely to manifest as improved health and happiness. The alignment between benefit of self and benefit of society make this utopia-like dream a very real possibility, uniting the whole of humanity in a way that is both agreeable and practical.
The Path So Far
The system began its journey in mid-2019, first detailed in a book published in 2020 (soon to be re-released). Encompassing ideas and solutions that addressed a range of global issues, it was decided the book needed some refinement, and was removed from its digital shelves soon after publication to continue development.
The original idea was based on what a future society might look like, considering how a species thousands of years more advanced than us might live. How would they eat? What would they do with their waste? What would their transport systems look like? Infinite questions could be asked.
What resulted was the realisation that principles of trust and cooperation were most fundamental to a cohesive society, and communication was one important way of getting there. With such diversity of culture, it was ultimately decided that even a system based on democracy could not and should not be forced on a population, and so the Ten-Tier System became a living thing, an open invitation to collaborate, and that’s what we are inviting you to right now.
As I am writing this, the current concept of the system has seen four years of development, and is now in a state that can be openly discussed and contributed to. The design is an open-source democracy that is dynamic and malleable. It will continue to change and evolve, and never stop evolving. It is at its very nature designed to be tweaked, changed, and added to. That is the beauty of it. It is a skeleton concept with some necessary organs, seeking to be fleshed out by the many cultures and professions of our global citizens. It is owned by no one, and yet by everyone.
We invite everyone to the discussion table so that the concept can continue to be discussed and begin its trial in the public eye. Our job has been, first and foremost, to get the core idea out there. From here, the possibilities are endless for where it can and will go, but we hope to inspire the people of the world to take the creation of a new world into their own hands, finding a way to come together with the intention of cooperation and survival.
Why now?
The timing has happened naturally, but it is perhaps no coincidence that an evolution of humanity should happen now.
As you may know, a new world order is currently being implemented, with rights and liberty being yanked out from under our feet. For most of humanity, we only have capitalism to cling to, which is far from an ideal option, and we may only be able to fight radical, unwanted change for so long. All other ideas for improving society and addressing issues are scattered and disjointed, and we have no unified system that can properly implement the most effective solutions and bypass the money-hungry industries and corrupt political arena.
We need a vision—a method, a reason, an outcome. Liberty is under attack, as we are rapidly losing our democracy and freedom of speech to a centralised government that seeks to control every aspect of our lives. The citizens of the world have been forced into a war with the proponents of this new world order (namely the WEF, WHO, Bilderberg Group, Gates Foundation, Arabella Advisors, BlackRock, etc.), who are driving the change into this terrifying Orwellian era. But while people are slowly shifting into a stance of resistance, we’re hoping to offer a creative and constructive solution that can combine all other solutions, and help us, the people, work together.
A pragmatic path forward is being offered here that can unite people through excitement, opportunity, and productivity. The best way to fight evil is to build something good that is more attractive. Rather than resisting unwanted change, we can simply provide ourselves an alternative that makes an undesirable system irrelevant. So instead of cowering in fear and fighting to resist the autocracy being installed under our noses, we look to build something ourselves, something better, something that is fuelled by morale and love and positivity instead of sitting in feelings of darkness and waiting for someone else to save us. We can now join together with positive intent, and work as a united people to create our own future. In fact, we must.
“If not me, who? If not now, when?”
It’s time for action. Right now. The world is changing around us whether we choose it or not, and we can either take the wheel and create our own future, or let the fat cats of the crumbling capitalist world redesign our lives to suit themselves. The option to stay as we are is unavailable, and the opportunity to decide between autonomy and autocracy may never come again.
Let’s not fall into the surrendering mindset of helplessness. “What can I do?” said 8 billion people. We have numbers on our side by far, and the collective drive of a species using love and positivity to forge their future is a power that should not be underestimated.
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